ArtSiO gallery did first ever under water exhibition of crystal sculptures
ArtSiO gallery in cooperation with Crystal Caviar company and prominent Czech glass artist Mr. Vlastimil Beránek did first ever under water exhibition of Bohemian crystal sculptures. The exhibition for divers happened for the first time in Mediterranean Sea near the place called Punta Negra in Mallorca at the end of June 2017. The name of common project is „Protect the fragility“ and the main goal of this exhibition is to point out to the fragility of the ocean environment and as well as fragility of glass and tradition of glass craftsmanship.
Gallery ArtSiO in cooperation with Crystal Caviar and Peter Diving company did submerge seven unique crystal sculptures created by Mr. Vlastimil Beránek to the sea bed. Every crystal piece weight more than 40 kg and have different colour. Mr. Beránek’s inspiration for making those sculptures was ocean and his constant movement. This movement the artist try to freeze in his sculptures.
The exhibition took only one week and was open for divers. From one from manny dives took the marine biologist and photographer Martin Colognoli some beautiful pictures, where you can see the play of lights and the reflections of water in crystal sculptures.
„Actually the clear crystal piece, which we expected will disapear completely in the sea water, is surpricinly looking the best,“ says Marek Landa, owner of the Crystal Caviar company, who was personally present during the underwater photoshooting.
„We submergered crystal sculptures from Mr. Vlastimil Beránek of total value over one milion euros. It was a bit of adrenalin to make sure, they will not be damaged,“ says Petr Král, director of ArtSiO gallery.
Unfortunately the exhibition can’t take much longer time than one week because of extremely luxury material, which they are made of, and wich the sea environment can easily damage, if not fixed permanently.
„It is the same case as an ocean. Little is enough and the environment is irretrievably damaged. So we should protect the ocean with all its creatures as well as we should protect and help the hundred of years long tradition of glass craftsmanship,“ says Mr. Vlastimil Beránek about the main goal of the exhibition.