This year marks the 50th anniversary of FEIN introducing oscillating technology in power tools. Within five decades, FEIN has invented several well-known brands of the oscillating multi tool and a raft of industry technologies for both the tool and associated accessories. Since 2009 FEIN’s technology has been copied and re-developed, with every main competitor now selling oscillating tools in the UK market.
The first oscillating machine was the plaster-cast saw that was introduced into the market in 1967. This machine was designed specifically for use in hospitals to safely remove plaster-casts and named by patients recovering from broken bones. A version of this saw is still in use today.
Fast-forward to 1984, FEIN developed the special cutter for the high-speed removal of vehicle windscreens. In 1986 FEIN then used the oscillating technology to develop an oscillating delta sander – an industry first.
Dan Wood at FEIN comments: “FEIN Power Tools have continually developed and improved the oscillating technology over the years so we have the best and most complete range of oscillating multi-tools and accessories available.”
Apart from the unsurpassed reputation for ‘Made in Germany’ quality, durability and reliability, the USP of the current range of machines is the anti-vibration technology, which is incorporated into all (but the entry level corded machines) including the FEIN cordless oscillating range. Now that the industry understands more about how vibration and noise can (over a period of time) affect the health of the user, FEIN has developed an anti-vibration system that reduces the HAV by 70% and the noise level by 50% against the previous version.
In real terms this means that all of the current range of FEIN accessories can be used for up to eight hours a day and the user will still be under the daily limit for exposure to vibration. As a guide, without the anti-vibration technology, the previous FEIN model and many of its related accessories created vibration that exceeded even four hours of usage and even as low as less than one hour’s usage.
The new Starlock fitting system means that the user can change accessories in just three seconds without the need of an Allen key. The patented Starlock system is also more efficient in transferring power to the accessory and therefore the work piece, resulting in speeding-up each application making each job more time efficient.
The FEIN Starlock accessories can be used on all other manufacturers OMT has and can even enhance the performance of their machine. Prices for the MultiMaster begin at the RRP £239.95 (corded) or £288.95 (cordless). Prices for the SuperCut are RRP £398.95 (corded) or £453.95 (cordless). Find out more about the 50-year edition sets https://fein.com/en_uk/news/promotions/the-fein-anniversary-edition-2017-0726/