Kennedy Wild Bird Food, The Best Wild Bird Food Supplier in The UK
We are a family run wild bird food and wild bird seed supplier based in rural Lincolnshire. We supply only the finest quality products. We work hard to ensure you are always getting the best deal on your wild bird food and bird seed.
Mixed Seeds
Wild bird seed mixtures have been around for many years. In the early years, most shopkeepers made up their own mixtures using cheap wheat and barley as the main ingredients. Whilst these can be used for bird feeding it should be remembered that they are really suitable only for the larger species, and will do little to seduce the smaller birds into your garden.
Many regard flaked maize as a suitable ingredient for inclusion in mixes. Whilst we agree that this product does have excellent feeding benefits, it will causes clogging in feeders. We only include this ingredient in our ground feed blends. We recommend that it be purchased and used separate to other feeds. Please remember that this is a very cheap
product for manufacturers to purchase as against other seeds. Many manufactures put cheap coloured wheat extrusions into their mixes and these will swell up when wet and cause clogging in feeders. These biscuit lumps are usually found in rabbit and dog food mixes, and are only edible for birds once soaked.
Sunflower Seeds
Black sunflower has replaced striped sunflower both as an ingredient and straight feed. Today we now see sunflower hearts replacing both as a top seller.
Peanuts have been replaced in all our blends by peanut granules. These small pieces of peanut hearts are full of protein and oil content and are safe to feed to young birds.
Niger Seed
Niger seed (sometimes called thistle seed) has come much to the fore. It is high in oil content and most attractive to goldfinches. We have added it to many of our range of mixtures.
Bird Feeders
Feeders have also changed much over the years. Thankfully the net feeders in which birds caught their legs have almost disappeared from our gardens. They have been replaced by a most wonderful array of distinguished feeders worthy of any royal garden. We do, however, raise concern over the large size of some feeders. It should always be remembered that food should only be available to suit a day’s demand. Never allow uneaten foods to accumulate – they will moulder and attract disease.
So, feeds have moved on. Today we recommend that you place a variety of mixtures and other seeds around your garden. Not only will you attract the many wonderful and colourful species that we are so privileged to view, but also and most importantly, care for those who due to so many changes in modem day farming methods along with life’s many other technological changes are unable to fend for themselves.While at the start of our venture into wildlife feeds we produced only one blended mixture, today we produce over 20 different varieties of mixtures and plain seeds along with a vast range of fat balls, suet blocks, and live foods, catering for the needs of the vast majority of wild birds.
Today our formulated mixtures and seeds contain only the very best of available crops from around the world. All are cleaned to the highest standards providing balanced diets along with energy and nutrition, ensuring the survival of those we aim to help.
Kennedy Wild Bird Foods are completely dedicated to your total satisfaction. If you have any suggestions or comments please email us at