Living walls are key to improving London’s air quality
London’s air quality presents a huge problem for residents and now contributes to a death rate of 10-18% from illnesses caused by pollutants. The principal source of air pollution is traffic and despite the UK government enforcing low emission zones in London the air pollution levels have not fallen as much as expected.
Research at universities across the UK highlight living walls as key to the improvement of air quality in cities, Kings College and Imperial College highlight the impact plants play in reducing nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter – two of the key components in poor air quality.
The University of Lancaster found living walls to be more effective than street level trees at reducing nitrogen dioxide in dense urban areas with high pollution levels. This is due to the nature of city landscapes, the tall buildings create ‘street canyons’ which traps pollution at street level, living walls can increase the deposition rate by as much as 40% of nitrogen dioxide and 60% for particulate matter as the cleaner air from above the street canyons is introduced.
Scotscape Landscaping is committed to working with architects, councils, schools, businesses and individuals to install living walls and improve the air quality across London.
For more information on the additional benefits of living walls, please get in touch.
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