“No leaks, no tiles, no fuss……”

Leading shower cubicle and bathroom pod manufacturer, Taplanes Ltd, provide pre-fabricated solutions to a variety of end users throughout the UK and Ireland.
With a strong client base including Universities, Schools, Hotels and Housing Associations, Taplanes modular showers overcome the inherent problems associated with conventional bathroom areas.
Both one-piece and sectional enclosures are provided by Taplanes. The sectional designs are aimed towards the refurbishment sector allowing the units to be maneuvered into the most restrictive of locations with speed and ease. Alternatively, and if the build process allows, the one-piece pods could be considered.
Durability and speed of installation, together with a guaranteed ‘leak proof’ construction ensures Taplanes are the preferred choice within their chosen sectors.
Additional information about the services and products provided by Taplanes can be found at www.taplanes.co.uk or call Taplanes direct on 01423 771645.