Power Continuity, installs UPS Systems across the UK as part of our design and build,100% automatic NO BREAK Power Protection systems to provide power security when the GRID fails; your site will NEVER lose Power Continuity, when it’s protected by Power Continuity Ltd.
It all begins with getting the right ‘power design’ for your site requirements in the first place.
We install the largest UPS systems and Generator systems for NO BREAK power protection from medium sites up to multi megawatt installations. We only install the BEST!
Of course, UPS can fail. So how do Power Continuity install UPS Systems that don’t fail?
Let’s start with the Design.
We design, build and install the very best UPS Systems from our Global Brand Partners. All our UPS installations are designed and created by our own ‘in house’ team of site experienced engineers. Also, we don’t leave the UPS to guess where it’s going to get its power from because our larger installations are also backed by ‘rapid’ start generators. Hence, we ensure that before the UPS battery autonomy runs down; our generators start up to provide emergency power to support the UPS.
Better still, we always stipulate that a UPS system should be N+1. Then if an issue develops within a UPS, the ‘sister’ UPS supports the load without any disruption.
This is critical planning to ensure that any site has all possibilities
The most critical operations, whether Data Centres or Production plant, need the best available Power Continuity and that means, there is only one- powercontinuity.co.uk.
We do what our name suggests- Power Continuity. YES, we are POWER CONTINUITY.
Over 25 years, Power Continuity has expanded its expertise NO BREAK power protection also into designing and installing Fire Suppression systems & Air Con Systems in conjunction with our ‘bullet proof’ total ‘NO BREAK seamless power protection systems. Total Power Protection package with our own service maintenance under one umbrella.
Planning is better than picking up the pieces after the event.
All UPS Systems have a sell by date before which time , you really need to consider upgrading or replacement. Just because the lights are on, doesn’t mean someone is home. What do we mean? A UPS may seem to be operating because the display shows information. But remember that inside every UPS are thousands of electrical components and these are deteriorating over time. That’s is a fact of life. Therefore, you should always look to replace and upgrade whilst the UPS is still in working order and not wait for failure due to age.
When was your UPS installed? 10 years ago or more? 15 years ago? 20 years ago?
Perhaps you don’t even remember when the UPS was installed?
Time to plan NOW as UPS must be replaced before they fail due to age. UPS do fail……..
What else can fail over time? Fingers crossed?
MCCB breakers fail and ACB’s fail too. UPS Systems fail, Transformers fail, Generators fail.
Age happens. Systems can fail due to age as well as lack of regular maintenance.
Let us carry out a detailed Power Supply Thermal imaging survey to identify any issues.
Because we are POWER CONTINUITY by name , we want to provide everyone with self-help.
Our knowledge base pages are full of advice. Check out the Knowledge Base section on www.powercontinuity.co.uk. It’s FREE and there to help everyone.
UPS systems require regular firmware upgrades, battery impedance and load banking.
YES, even large UPS systems do require load banking in the same way that Generators need regular load banking to keep them in peak performance. Check out our maintenance pages
At POWER CONTINUITY we place our reputation on the quality of our UPS installations and our service. The Top Global companies in the UK have Power Continuity installations
Have you carried a recent mechanical survey of your electrical infrastructure systems? Power Continuity can do this for your site at a working time suitable for your site, work day or ‘out of hours’. A Complete up to date report will give your he peace of mind your site needs.
Whilst you may feel comfortable so far, look for other risks, for example the risk of flooding or even other risks due to Global warming such as over-heating or flash floods.
Let Power Continuity engineers be by your side when you carry out a mains fail test.
Critical power is what we do. Power Continuity is what we install. WE ARE POWER CONTINUITY. Enjoy the security of a ‘state of the art’ power protection systems today.
With our 25 years of experience in the Critical Power Installation field, some of your own daily activities are already power protected by Power Continuity installed systems, every day of the year without failure.
From Bank to Hospitals, from Pharmaceuticals to Manufacturing, our Power Continuity systems operate 24/7/365, year in and year out, protecting our clients from the vulnerable GRID supply. In an non dependable world we all need Power Continuity- Contact us…..
For Power Continuity that doesn’t fail
Call us at Power Continuity on 0845 055 8455
We’re here to help 24/7/365
website: www.powercontinuity.co.uk