Isosonic Dek Floor 30 is a new prime addition to the Thermal Economics. Isorubber product range.
The board component ISOSONIC DEK30 forms a combined sound insulation and structural deck, applied directly to the floor joists, and is composed of 8 mm Isorubber resilient layer bonded toV313 .chipboard.
ISORUBBER itself is a dense, durable low compression material with excellent impact and airborne sound properties. It forms the main acoustic component of six Robust Details.
Isosonic DekFloor 30 is primarily intended for refurbishment usage but it can be used in new build in combination with suitable flanking wall constructions.
The system is designed to reduce the effects of workmanship error, that most frequently occur in refurbishment work.
it’s main features being:
# Acoustic performance in excess of the Approved Document E requirements.
# ISOEDGE which forms a floor perimeter, acoustic seal and expansion joint
# ISOSONIC CEILING CLEAT which provides a very effective acoustic decoupling between the floor and ceiling.
For further details please refer to or call us on 01582 450814